1. A day as we take it is daytime and night-time together, but for a long, long time people did not think of days like we do.

2. At times the heat was so fierce they could only travel at night, resting during the day in hammocks slung between trees.

3. After hours of experimenting they felt a weakness in the muscles, a pain in the knees and a general sickness that lasted until the following day.

4. A day or two after Humboldt´s escape, his friend Bonpland almost lost his life.

5. And now suddenly, she had asked to be included in the arrangements of the following day.

6. And so, seeing the sun, I got up and put on a dress, a gay dress made out of bright-colored cloth — the same sort of dress that I would wear if I were at home and starting out for a day in the country.

7. As the train approaches the station, it's a rainy day, and the platform is nearly empty.
    火车驶近车站时, 天正在下雨,月台上几乎空无一人。

8. After my three classes each day, I walked without aim around the grounds like a lost soul. I had no place to go.

9. "Couldn't she just enter on the 90-day tourist document, like any other citizen of the European Union?" I inquired.
    "难道她不可以像欧盟国家之间的公民那样凭90天的旅游证件进入美国吗?" 我询问道。

10. As I was flying off early the next day, there would be no time for Gestapo officials at the airport to go over the contents.