1. "A friend of my wife yelled at her kids one day when they ran out to meet a trash truck. “有一天,我妻子的一个朋友见到她孩子从家里跑出来看垃圾车,她就大声叫嚷起来。'
2. A life of principle, of not yielding to the tempting attractions of an easy morality, will always win the day. 在生活中如果能坚持原则,抵制住放松道德标准的种种诱惑,那你就会永远立于不败之地。
3. And as the light came on, Charles had his first thrill of the day. 灯光一亮,查尔斯就感到了当天的第一次惊悸:
4. And what makes my mother sad right now, I think, is not simply that her mother will die in a day or two, but that, once her mother dies, there will never again be someone to love her in quite such a complete, unrestrained way. 我想,现在最让妈妈难过的,不仅是她母亲很快就会离世,而且还有一旦她母亲去世,就再也没有一个人能这样全心全意、毫无保留地爱她了。
5. "If we can make someone's day brighter for $35 instead of $65, then they'll have enough money left over for candy and dinner," says the general manager of Roses Only's New York stores. "惟一玫瑰"纽约分店的总经理说,"如果我们能用35美元,而不是65美元,就使别人的一天充满光彩,那他们就可以省下足够的钱去买糖果和吃晚餐了。"
6. All the changes are making some in the rose business long for the good old days, when neighborhood flower shops arranged and delivered every Valentine's Day bundle of flowers. 所有这些变化使得玫瑰行业的一些人很怀念过去的好日子,那时附近的花店每个情人节都会安排送花。
7. "An agreement is stuck under somebody's nose on the day of the wedding — and it's usually a 'she' — and she signs, but doesn't even read it." "婚礼那天,某人——通常是'她'——面前突然出现了一份协议,于是,她看都没看一眼就签了字。"
8. "I got a cigarette from somebody on the street the other day. Do I have to report that?" 那天在马路上有人给我一根烟,我也得报告吗?"
9. After a one-hour flight the next morning, we spent the day visiting attractions along with hundreds of other tourists, 第二天早晨,坐了一个小时飞机后,我们当天就与其他数以百计的游客一起,参观了一些景点。
10. And despite the mistakes they'll make, they'll persist — so that one day they can cruise alongside Americans and Western Europeans on the information superhighway. 而且,尽管他们会犯错误,他们仍会坚持不懈--总有一天,他们将能在信息高速公路上与美国和西欧并驾齐驱。