1. Another question asked was, was it all worth the trouble and money that went into it if at the end of the day the patient died? 另一点疑问是,假如病人手术当天就命归黄泉,那么是否还值得花费人力财力进行这种手术呢?
2. At the end of each business day, the remotely-located computer gives the store manager a total picture of the day´s transactions. 在每天的营业结束时,电脑能使商店经理了解到全天的销售情况。
3. Arrest seemed but a rosy dream. 被捕仿佛是个美丽的梦幻;
4. A day as we take it is daytime and night-time together, but for a long, long time people did not think of days like we do. 我们所指的一天包括白天和黑夜。但是有很长很长一段时间,人们对一天的看法并不与我们相同。
5. At times the heat was so fierce they could only travel at night, resting during the day in hammocks slung between trees. 有时候,炎热是如此的酷烈,以致于他们只能在夜间行走,白天在两棵树之间悬挂的吊床上休息。
6. After hours of experimenting they felt a weakness in the muscles, a pain in the knees and a general sickness that lasted until the following day. 经过了几个小时的实验,他们感觉到肌肉的虚弱和膝盖上的疼痛,一种遍体的不适一直持续到了第二天。
7. A day or two after Humboldt´s escape, his friend Bonpland almost lost his life. 在洪堡脱逃的一两天后,他的朋友庞普朗差点儿丢掉了性命。
8. And now suddenly, she had asked to be included in the arrangements of the following day. 现在,她突然要求被安排到第二天的活动里。
9. And so, seeing the sun, I got up and put on a dress, a gay dress made out of bright-colored cloth — the same sort of dress that I would wear if I were at home and starting out for a day in the country. 所以看到了太阳,我就起床,穿上衣裙,那是一套用色彩鲜艳的布料做的华丽服饰——假如我在老家并在准备出发去乡下玩一天的时候,我也会穿同样的衣服。
10. As the train approaches the station, it's a rainy day, and the platform is nearly empty. 火车驶近车站时, 天正在下雨,月台上几乎空无一人。