1. After that heart transplants as good as ceased.

2. "They're freckles. Freckles are good luck, you know," I felt compelled to defend on his behalf, a bit too heatedly as I raised my voice above the noise of the kitchen.
    "它们是雀斑。你知道雀斑象征着好运。" 我感到我得为他辩解。我提高嗓门压倒厨房里的噪声,我自己也感到我太激动了点。

3. According to some psychology counselors, workaholism can be both good and bad for us.

4. And we get paid for it and praised for it, which produces good feelings we may not necessarily be able to attain in other parts of our lives.

5. "I feel lucky. He's so good looking, smart and funny. I really like him. I just wish I didn't have to keep secrets from my parents."

6. "I'm Aunt Esther Gubbins," she said. "I'm here to tell you you are going to live a good life and be happy. You will work hard and love each other."

7. A group of strong, muscular men come into your house, carry out all your possessions, and drive off in a truck. This can't be good.

8. A good test for this value is to apply what I call the "Integrity Triangle" , which consists of three key principles:

9. And if the dance is a good physical exercise as well, the benefits multiply.

10. "My goal is to get a good job with a good company," he said.