1. Dunant´s book was a great success. 杜兰特的书获得了极大的成功。
2. Athens is a city of great antiquity. 雅典是一座古城.
3. About 2,300 years ago, there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle. 大约两千三百年以前, 在希腊住着一位名叫亚里斯多德的伟大的思想家.
4. Athens is a city of great antiquity. 雅典是一座古城。
5. A great many former pupils will be attending a farewell dinner in his honour next Thursday. 下星期四,他以前的许多学生都将参加为他举行的告别宴会。
6. Across the rivers great and small stretched the fish weirs, usually made of stakes and nets or basketwork. 大河小溪上都横跨着鱼梁,它们通常是以木桩栅、鱼网或篮篓作成的。
7. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision . 警报发出后,巨轮急速转向以避免直接相撞.
8. After the great many loud explosions, the race began. 在一阵阵汽车的轰鸣声之后,比赛开始了。
9. As a great many people will be visitint the country, the government will be building new hotels. 由于有众多的人要来这里参观,政府将兴建新的旅馆.
10. As he has never been there before, he found a great deal to interest him. 由于他以前从来没有到过那儿,所以他发现了许多使他感兴趣的东西。