1. Late for what?

2. Later, when night fell, Kaz and her brother made for the mountains; a friend from Kaz's factory lived in a village on the slope of a hill behind the city and had offered to take them in.
    接着,夜幕降临了,和子和她弟弟往山里走;和子厂里的一个朋友住在市区后面一个小山坡上的村子里, 表示愿意收留他们。

3. Like most city folks, I'm cautious. I scan the street and pathways for anything — or anyone — unusual before pulling into the garage. That night was no exception.

4. Laurie and I have stopped over for a night to be with my mother.

5. It´s too late now, anyhow.

6. If you hand in your report late, append a note explaining the reason for the delay.

7. If you are lucky enough to get a couchette, you spend half the night staring at the smore blue light in the ceiling.

8. I dreamed of you last night.

9. I eat only kosher food prepared by my maid. For health´s sake,I suggest you never eat in the night market.
    我只是吃女佣烹调和干净的食物, 为了健康的缘故,我建议你永远不要在夜市吃.

10. I usually go late at night.