1. "They shouldn't make any special provisions for me," Mr. Torres said. "It's a job, and I should be on time."

2. And despite the mistakes they'll make, they'll persist — so that one day they can cruise alongside Americans and Western Europeans on the information superhighway.

3. Asked to describe other aspects of the effort to make the park more European, a spokesman mentioned that direction signs in the theme park will be in French as well as English, and that some performers will chat in French, Spanish and English.

4. And it is here the arguments will break out.

5. You´ll make a fortune out of it.

6. You must make a minimum deposit of &50 to open a checking account.

7. You must first make a reconnaissance of the work you want to do.

8. You will have to make a speech of thanks, Nancy, when the award is given you.

9. You already have within you the power to make a good impression, because nobody can be you as well as you can.

10. You could always make a phone call. You could always buy something. You would never be broke.