1. I only have small boxes.

2. I want to buy a small house in the country.

3. It´s a small blue case and it´s got a zip.

4. I went to a small room next to the drawing-room.

5. In it, I often find so many toys that there's almost no room — even for my small lavatory or toilet kit.

6. In a daydream I used to have, all these places were points of happiness to me; all these places were lifeboats to my small drowning soul.

7. In the afternoon, he found the bones of a man. Beside the bones was a small bag of gold, like his own.

8. It was a small room, on the sixth and top floor, and scarcely a setting for a romantic figure.

9. I talked to his four grown children and told them I thought we should insert a tube directly into his stomach through a small hole so he could be fed without so much pain.

10. I put on my daughter's best dress for our visit, the way the best dresses were always put on me, and I filled my pockets with small cookies, in case my daughter started to cry.