1. I had no other class that day and I didn’t want to go back to the loneliness of the McKnight house, so I explored around the grounds. 那天我的课都上完了,但是我不想回到麦克奈特那幢房子里去,孤孤单单的一个人呆在那里。所以我就在校园里四处转悠。
2. It seemed the kids were eating the house. Moving seemed the wise thing to do even though, in the end, we decided to take the kids with us. 好像孩子们在吞噬着房子似的。搬家似乎是明智之举,虽然我们最终还是决定把孩子带在身边。
3. If one of my family happened to come to the front of the house in time to see me, of course the conversation would be rudely broken off. 如果正赶上家里人碰巧来到房前见到我,他们当然就会毫不客气地打断我们的交谈。
4. From one of the upper windows in the apartment house, a man called down: “Let that girl alone!” 公寓大楼顶层的一扇窗户里,有个男人向下喊道,"放开那女孩!"