1. "If we can make someone's day brighter for $35 instead of $65, then they'll have enough money left over for candy and dinner," says the general manager of Roses Only's New York stores.

2. As soon as she could do so without an appearance of being rude, she pretended to yawn, rose, and left him there alone.

3. "If left in the hands of private enterprise, the data highway could become little more than a synthetic universe for the rich," worries Jeffrey Chester, president of the Center for Media Education in Washington, D.C.

4. You might find a bit of meat left on the chicken carcass.

5. Gunners using science to shatter men´s bodies while, close at hand, surgeons use it to restore them?
    炮手们用科学来毁坏人体, 而外科医生就在近旁用科学使其恢复健康.

6. Your father left you no money.

7. Soon only black charcoal is left.

8. She sat up and held out her hand.

9. She is a good hand at pastry.

10. She returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other.