1. His terrible stories made our blood freeze. 他那些可怕的故事使我们吓得要死。
2. He made a boyish grin. 他孩子气地笑了一下。
3. He made a hasty decision. 他做了一个匆促的决定。
4. His humorous remark made everyone laugh. 他幽默的话把每个人都逗乐了。
5. His incisive remarks made us see the problems in our plans. 他的话切中要害, 使我们看到了计划中的一些问题。
6. He made a passionate speech about the sufferings of the poor. 他就穷人的苦难做了一个充满激情的演讲。
7. He made a proposition concerning the sale of my car. 他就我出售汽车的事提了一个建议.
8. He made a radical change in the plan. 他在这计划中做了一个彻底的更改.
9. He made outstanding contributions in the realm of foreign affairs. 他在外交领域作出了卓越贡献。
10. He made a renunciation of his chairmanship. 他声明放弃会长一职。