1. They include: physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, expression through the eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of others. 这些优点包括:体貌、活力、语速、语音语调、手势、眼神,以及使他人对你保持兴趣的能力。
2. The boys of average ability and the gifted girls showed strong activity on both sides of their brains as they thought about the puzzle. 智力一般的男孩与天资好的女孩在解题时脑子的两半球都活跃。
3. The increasingly exaggerated claims made by manufacturers about their products' ability to get rid of wrinkles have worried doctors. 制造商越来越夸张地宣称其产品的除皱能力,这使得医生们感到很担忧。
4. The ability to recognize a feeling as it happens is the foundation of emotional intelligence. 能够在一种感觉产生的同时确认它,这一能力是情感智力的基础。
5. The core of emotional self-regulation is the ability to delay an immediate reward in the service of a goal. 自我调节情感的核心就是有能力做到为了某一目的而推迟近在眼前的利益。
6. The ability to resist temptation can be developed through practice. 抗拒诱惑的能力也可以通过练习来培养。
7. He showed his arithmetical ability in his early age. 他在年轻时就显出了算术天才。
8. Here we see the conscious mind, in a person of highest ability, actually watching the unconscious at work. 我们看到,在这位天才人物身上,意识活动事实上一直注视着潜意识所起的作用。
9. He says these children have an advantage over their peer group in language ability, intellectual ability, and even social leadership skills. 他说这些孩子在语言能力、智力,甚至领导才能上都比同龄孩子要强。
10. And, indeed, except when blindfold she lacked the ability to perceive things with her skin. 如果不蒙上双眼她的皮肤就不再具有识别物体的能力。