1. That evening he was in an unusually light-hearted mood. 那晚他的心情异常轻松。
2. The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade. 宁静突然被打破,一辆大轿车亮着前灯,响着喇叭,呼啸着冲进了拱廊街,
3. Thus, a broken alarm clock in the movie The Pawnbroker became a "sick" patient undergoing surgery; boots were boiled in his film The Gold Rush and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish (the nails being removed like 因此,在《当铺老板》中,一个坏闹钟变成了正在接受手术的"病人";在《淘金记》中,靴子被煮熟,靴底蘸着盐和胡椒被吃掉,就像上好的鱼片(鞋钉就像鱼骨那样被剔除)。
4. Rules could not be broken. And she had to watch that train disappear towards her destination while she was left behind. 规章制度不能破坏,姑娘只得眼看那趟火车消逝在她要去的方向而撇下了她。
5. He is replacing the broken chord of his violin. 他正在更换小提琴上的断弦。
6. His broken leg gave him a lot of pain. 他的断腿使他非常疼痛。
7. A man who had broken his right leg was taken to hospital a few weeks before Christmas. 圣诞节前几周,某人摔断了右腿被送进医院。
8. Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger, the box was full of crockery, much of it broken. 除了一柄式样别致、雕有花纹的匕首外,货箱内装满陶器,而且大部分都已破碎裂。
9. And when the M.P. was at last led to Joan Reid´s rooms up the broken stairs, he was already followed by a large crowd of dwellers who added the shortcomings of their own homes to the list. 当议员最后沿着破旧的楼梯被带到了琼·里德的房间时,一大群住户已经跟在了他的后面,他们把自己房子的缺点也都列了出来。
10. And yet, only half way through the book, she´s completely broken with the old world and become a staunch fighter in the ranks of the revolution. 但是只到了书中描写的一半,她就完全与旧世界决裂,成为了革命阶级中一名坚强的战士。