1. A yellow light on the dash-board flashed angrily and Bruce cheerfully announced that there was no oil in the engine!

2. Six times Bruce led his brave little army against the enemy, and six times his men were beaten.

3. Many centuries ago, Scotland was ruled by a king named Robert Bruce.

4. “The idea that the family is a stable and orderly unit in which father serves as economic provider and mother serves as emotional care giver is a myth,” said Judith Bruce, a leading author of the study.

5. “In traditional Bangladesh, a woman may need to get a job weaving textiles because her husband was much older, and died while the children were still young,” Ms.Bruce said.
    "在孟加拉国,传统上一名女子需要做一份纺织工作,因为孩子年幼时丈夫就年事已高或者已经去世," 布鲁斯女士说,

6. “Parents all over the world have an increasing awareness of the importance of learning, and that their children will need to be able to read and write and use numbers,” Ms.Bruce said.
    "全世界的父母都越来越意识到学习的重要性,意识到自己的孩子需要能读会写,会计算," 布鲁斯女士说,

7. "Poor thing!" cried Bruce, "You, too, know what it is to fail."

8. "I, too, will try a seventh time!" cried Bruce.

9. One rainy day, Bruce lay on the ground in a hut, listening to the sound of the rain on the roof.

10. In response to renewed pleadings, Bruce stopped.