1. Payments by cheque easily outnumber cash transactions. 用支票付款在数量上大大超过现金交易.
2. " It would have been much better to have gone without until we could pay cash for them: but you would have your way, of course. “要是当时委屈一下,等到有了现钱再买,我们的日子就好过多了。可是你非买不可。
3. In many U.S. stores the cash register has been replaced by a computer that quickly and easily calculate the cost of items being bought. 在美国很多家大商店里,现金出纳机已被运算所购物品费用快捷、操作容易的电脑所取代。
4. It has sponsored the growing of cash crops such as cassava, maize, cotton, and the planting of trees to regenerate waste land. 为恢复荒地的地力,它资助人们种植诸如木薯、玉米、棉花之类的经济作物和植树造林。
5. It was about midday. I'd left work early in the morning to cash (兑现) a cheque. I walked along to the bank and found there were only about ten or eleven customers in there, a pretty unusual number for those central city banks. 当时大约是中午时分,为了兑现一张支票,上午我提前下了班。我一路走到银行,发现那儿只有十来个顾客,这个数字对市中心的银行来说是相当不寻常的。
6. In the Philippines, women were found to contribute about a third of households’ cash income, but 55 percent of household support if the economic value of their activities at home, such as growing food or gathering hay to feed the family donkey, is in 在菲律宾,人们发现三分之一家庭的现金收入来自妇女,若是将她们家务劳动的经济价值计算在内,比如种粮食和捡干草喂家里的驴,那她们提供的家庭经济支持将占55%。