1. You might find a bit of meat left on the chicken carcass.

2. Yes,every dish was delicious,especially the fried shrimps with cashews and chestnut chicken stew.
    是的, 每一道菜都很香, 特别是腰果炒虾仁和栗子炖鸡.

3. Production of chicken, turkey and fish has increased, however. The amount of ocean fish has not increased, but fish farm production has.

4. Mad Cow Disease (BSE) in cattle, salmonella in chicken and eggs, and listeria in dairy products.

5. But he doesn´t like chicken.

6. Industrialized farming methods produce cheap meat products: beef, pork and chicken.

7. I don´t like chicken either!

8. I'm sitting on a bench at the playground, eating a chicken salad next to four woman nannies, all twice my age.

9. Fried chicken was mother´s specialty.

10. Fish farming is very efficient: producing a kilogram of fish utilizes less than 2 kilograms of feed, but it takes 2.2 kilograms of feed to produce 1 kilogram of chicken.