1. How would a human clone refer to the donor of its DNA?

2. And 2) adults who for a variety of reasons might want to clone themselves.

3. A week after Wilmut's announcement, other scientists revealed that they had used a different technique to clone monkeys, which are much more closely related to humans.

4. And parents whose child has a fatal disease like cancer might be able to clone the child, creating a twin who could be a bone-marrow (骨髓) donor.

5. And how could you prevent someone from taking a sample of your hair and making a clone of you?

6. Should scientists be allowed to clone animals?

7. Since then, other scientists have used embryos to clone cattle, pigs, goats, rabbits - and, now, even monkeys.

8. Should scientists be allowed to clone animals?

9. Parents could clone a second child who resembled their first in appearance, but all the evidence suggests the two would have very different personalities.

10. 1) parents who want to clone a child, either to provide transplants for a dying child or to replace that child,