1. She knew she had to have patience and keep the lines of communication with her daughter open.

2. So many transactions and exchanges are going to be made through this medium — banking, shopping, communication, and information — that those who have to rely on the postman to send their correspondence risk really falling behind," he says.
    那么多的交易、交换都将通过这一媒体进行 -- 银行业务、购物、通信、信息 -- 因此那些只能靠邮递员发送信件的人实在是有落伍的危险了。"

3. Modern means of transportation, communication, advertising and credit have all played a part in the growth of a giant new industry, tourism.

4. Modern means of communication have enabled the travellers to reserve a plane seat or a hotel room from a long distance.

5. Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them.

6. Once the existence of this wave-length had been discovered, it was not long before its use as the uniquely recognizable broadcasting frequency for interstellar communication was suggested.

7. In the virtual classroom nearly all communication is written, so it is critical that students feel comfortable expressing themselves in writing.

8. Finally, they divided the room in two and gave up on oral communication, communicating primarily through short notes.