1. You´ll become ill if you continue to overwork. 你这样劳累下去就要病了.
2. Cattle farmers, miners, and settlers have protested the move and continue to destroy the forests, although at a slower pace than before. 养牛场场主、矿工和移民们反对这个措施,继续破坏森林, 虽然破坏速度比过去已放慢。
3. It is rather a question of how to continue their heroic task. Don´t you think so? 而在于怎样继续进行他们的英勇事业。难道你不这样认为吗?
4. It seemed impossible for any city to take so much punishment and continue to endure. 在遭受如此重创后仍能继续坚持战斗,这对任何城市来说都似乎是不可能的。
5. I want her to do well in school and to continue her music. 我希望她学业好,继续学音乐。
6. I had originally planned to stay at this employment for only two days but now I'm going to continue. 这活儿我原先只打算干两天,可现在我要干下去。
7. It predicted that the company would lose 300 million francs in the current financial year and continue losing money for two more years. 它预计欧洲迪斯尼公司在本财政年度会损失3亿法郎,并且还将继续亏损两年。