1. Some people are surprised when they learn of this old custom because they think people of southern Germany followed the Catholic (天主教的) religion, which teach marriage is a holy right given by God in order to create children.
    有些人在得知这个古老的风俗后感到很吃惊,因为他们认为德国南部的人信奉天主教,天主教教导人们: 婚姻是上帝赐给人们生育孩子的一种神圣权利。

2. Since we can't create a 26-hour day we have to decide what things we're going to do."

3. So we take some chimpanzees (黑猩猩), or if we really want some strength, some great apes (猿), do a bit of scientific engineering here and there, and we create some animals, which are made for the factory line.

4. Piles of garbage and raw sewage would create epidemics, perhaps even recurrences of plague.

5. Reduce comes first for a good reason: It's better not to create waste than to have to figure out what to do with it.

6. Look at Milton's daughters arranging his cushions and blankets before they silently creep away, so he can create poetry.

7. If there is one----which I take leave to doubt----then it is older people who create it, not the young themselves.
    如果这个问题存在的话 -- 请允许我对此持怀疑态度 -- 那么,这个问题是由老年人而不是青年人造成的。

8. In response, the government has urged local villages to create more shared farmland.

9. I stressed Beijing, hoping that might create some attention.

10. Instead, it went to create one more British lord.