1. Trailing behind us were white stripes created by heat from our exhaust hitting sub-zero air.

2. He created a diversion while I slipped out, so that no one noticed me.
    我溜出去时, 他打了个掩护, 因而没有人注意到我。

3. Dickens might have created Charlie Chaplin's childhood.

4. She has created a dashing young man as the protagonist of her new novel.

5. Solid waste created in towns and cities increased by 35 percent, too.

6. Providing the "drugs" for this game, the industry has created new skin therapies which, they say, don't just sit on the surface but actually interact with the cells.

7. God created the world.

8. Generally, such parents created a pleasant home governed by clear rules.

9. Over the past 2,000 years inventors have created machines and articles that have changed the world.

10. It was Hart who created the basic formula of the Western film,