1. To offer peak performance in providing the electronic data and paperless trading global investors expect, Shanghai plans telecommunications networks as powerful as those in Manhattan.

2. The greatly increased volume and speed of data transmission that these technologies permit can be compared to the way in which a highway with many lanes allows more cars to move at faster speeds than a two-lane highway — hence, the information superh
    这些技术使得数据传送的容量和速度大大提高。这种情况可与一条高速公路相比,多车道比双车道能使更多的车以更高的速度行驶 -- 信息高速公路由此得名。

3. Nor is DMV data used solely for matters related to driving.

4. How fast does the new micro process the data?

5. A layer of adipose tissue under the skin

6. And even so, some starting data has to be guessed, since ground stations and satellites cannot see everywhere.

7. Data from twelve industrialized countries found that women employed in regular jobs worked about 20 percent longer hours than regularly employed men.

8. All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of things.

9. "If left in the hands of private enterprise, the data highway could become little more than a synthetic universe for the rich," worries Jeffrey Chester, president of the Center for Media Education in Washington, D.C.

10. Advocates for the poor want the companies building the data highway to devote a portion of their profits to insuring universal access.