1. We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong.

2. We had spent several days in a small town and visited a number of old churches in the vicinity.

3. We´re going to spend three days in the country.

4. Within a few days of Washkansky´s transplant, another operation was performed in the United States, by Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz.

5. We see the change from new moon to quarter to full and back to new moon every twenty-eight days.

6. We can make those days comfortable by giving her painkillers and sleeping pills.

7. With school in session every weekday plus Saturday morning 10 months of the year, Japanese students have almost 60 more class days annually than their American peers.

8. Three days after Rastus ´disappearance, Mrs Ramsay received an anonymous letter.

9. The ticket is available for three days.

10. There are seven days in a week.