1. Water is in rock deep under the ground, in natural holding areas -- in storage.
    水深藏于地底下的岩层里、在天然蓄水区里 -- 水就储存在那里。

2. The stream was so deep that we could not ford it.

3. The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat.

4. The tractors have left deep furrows in the loose sand.

5. The deep river was an insuperable barrier to those who could not swim.

6. The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat.

7. The boy went swimming in the deep lake regardless of his mother´s fears for his safety.

8. The open sea was deep and mysterious, and anyone who gave more than a passing thought to the bottom confines of the oceans probably assumed that the sea bed was flat.

9. They had to edge their way along this, sometimes wading across shallow streams, or swimming across deep pools.

10. That made us take a deep breath.