1. The difference between bus and rail fares is fractional.

2. There´s no substantial difference between a metropolitan and a farmer.

3. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one:

4. The snake, however, continued to ´dance´ slowly. It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz!

5. The aim was to look like street people and to observe what difference that made in the way other people responded to us — whether the appearance of poverty would invite prejudice on us.

6. To capture it, you must be ready. Creative people are always ready to act — possibly the only difference between us and them.

7. The difference is this: in "I to you", both sides present their arguments openly from their own point of view — they state what they want and what they expect to get.

8. The difference is that Western style decision-making proceeds mostly from top management and often does not consult middle management or the worker while in Japan, ideas can be created at the lowest levels, travel upward through an organization and h

9. These precautions can make a great difference in saving lives and preventing the loss of homes.

10. There is no difference for the customs officers; to them, all smugglers are the same, big or small.