1. Then he began to talk to us about the French language, saying that it was the most beautiful tongue in the world, and that we must keep it among us and never forget it.

2. Tomorrow afternoon there will be a talk on current affairs by a reporter from "the People´s Daily".

3. This new leadership has abandoned all talk of economic imperialism in favor of market economics.

4. They didn’t have to talk about it; they demonstrated this truth by their life style.

5. Talk to your parents. Think about the kinds of pressures they might be putting on you.

6. Talk to your friends. If you feel stress to get good grades — and maybe cheat — because your friends get better grades, talk to them.

7. Twice their talk and the sudden glow of their bedroom lights frightened him off.

8. To talk about problem-solving or decision-making within a national environment means examining many complex cultural forces.

9. The Japanese spent $10.9 billion for teaching outside of regular classes last year, according to the institute, including $9 billion on jukus for students in the ninth grade or below — almost double the figure spent seven years ago.

10. Then as his gaze reached out into the darkness, he began to talk.