1. "What do you expect me to put on my back when I go?" she said impatiently. “你打算让我穿什么去?”她不耐烦地说。
2. "Can´t expect them to pay for all these repairs out of their own pockets. “不能指望他们掏腰包来支付所有这些维修的费用。
3. One would expect them to know their parts by heart and never have cause to falter. 人们以为,这些演员一定会把台词背得烂熟,绝不会临场结巴的,
4. Once you turn over a new leaf, you can't expect to change completely right away. 一旦你改变了以往的做法,你也不能指望马上有效果。
5. I do not expect the millennium to come during my lifetime. 我并不指望我这一生中能碰上太平盛世。
6. In almost every discussion there is bound to be some disagreement, Don´t expect unanimity. 几乎每一讨论都会有意见不合的情形产生,别期待全体一致,毫无异议。
7. If he, or someone like him, were alive today, he might be able to tell us what to expect in the next fifty years. 如果他或是像他的什么人今天还活着的话,他大概可以告诉我们下一个50年后会发生什么事情。
8. I entered not knowing what to expect. 我走进了妈妈的房间,不知道会发生什么。
9. I read the books What to Expect the First Year and What to Expect the Toddler (刚学会走路的小孩 ) Years. 我还读过《一岁婴儿护理》、《婴儿学步期须知》这样的书。
10. In some countries, all taxis are metered, and the government regulates fares so you can expect few problems. 在有些国家,所有出租车都装有计程器,政府控制着价格,所以不会有多少问题。