1. "These countries lack experience in weighing costs and choosing between technologies," says one expert.

2. "It was called Operation Match (匹配行动)," says a privacy expert, "and it matched databases of people who owed money to the government with other databases of people who received money from the government.
    一位隐私权方面的专家说:"这被称作'匹配行动', 它将那些欠有政府款项的人的数据库与那些从政府获得款项的人的数据库一一对应。

3. A privacy expert says insurance companies generate "lists of individuals with certain kinds of medical problems and then turn around and sell those lists to medicine companies and other businesses."

4. According to one psychological expert, when men gain a little gray hair, their appeal often increases because, for them, age implies power, success, wealth, and position.

5. "The key issue is costs," said one financial expert.

6. Pierce J. Howard, another expert, says new research indicates that physical exercise increases the amount of certain brain chemicals that stimulate growth of nerve cells.
    另一名专家皮尔斯·J. 霍华德说,新的研究表明,体育锻炼提高了大脑中某些激发神经细胞生长的脑化学物质的含量。

7. Perhaps, if the body is fresh, says one expert.

8. Poor people must also have access to high technology, says another expert.

9. Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate.

10. One expert believes the situation could be comparable to what occurred in the 16th century, when Europeans puzzled over how to classify the unfamiliar inhabitants of the Americas, and endlessly debated whether or not they were humans.