1. They will be free to develop their talents without guilt or fear — or just hold a good, steady job.

2. Next I felt intense fear. Had I cut my head? Was I bleeding? Was there blood in the pool?

3. His face became ashen with fear.

4. He was trembling with fear.

5. He also had a deep need to be loved — and a corresponding fear of being betrayed.

6. Having done that, we then attribute to the process of ageing per se all the evils we see and fear about growing old.

7. And for several days will probably refuse all food through anger and fear.

8. As a single man he had never troubled much if he happened to be out of work; but now that he was married it was different: the fear of being "out" haunted him all the time.

9. Again, you face the terms: "Loss of self-worth and security, fear of the future, stress, depression (抑郁)."
    你又一次面对这些字眼: "失去了自尊和保障、害怕未来、精神紧张、沮丧消沉。"

10. "It's not an ideal thing to send your kids to such a place," said one mother, asking not to be identified for fear of criticism from other parents.