1. But I didn't feel intimidated by students who spoke faster than I did because I took all the time I needed to think out my ideas and wrote a reply before posting it on the screen.

2. Because of my dark skin, kids at school called me names; I often got mugged coming home from school. My diving made me feel good about myself when my peers made me feel stupid.

3. Be honest and open about who you really are. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors — their looks or status — in order to feel good about themselves.

4. But know this and know it well: Mr. Torres does not feel sorry for himself.

5. But in the main, I feel like a brown bag of mixed items propped up against a wall.

6. When I think of the past, I feel happy.
    一想起往事, 我就觉得快乐.

7. We feel some tension before we take an exam.

8. Whereabouts do you feel the pain?

9. Workaholics, on the other hand, are often disorganized, always find reasons for working more, feel lost without work to do, hide from problems through work,
    而工作狂们常常是缺乏条理, 总在寻找理由想做得更多些,没有工作可做时就感到不知所措,想通过工作来躲避问题。

10. We look at the children, and I feel better.