1. “Forty pounds,” I tell her, none too confidently. "40磅吧。"我告诉她,一点儿也不自信。
2. “Forty,” she says. “I don't think so. Try somewhere around twenty.” "40?"她说:"我看不见得。大约20左右吧。"
3. But she must be at least forty. 但她一定至少有40岁了。
4. "He was the forty-ninth," Yegor added quickly. “他是第49个,”叶戈尔迅速说道。
5. Life begins at forty. 四十岁是有为之年。
6. It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement, Mr. Page will have been teaching for a total of forty years. 佩奇先生退休的前一天正好是他执教满40年的日子,这真是奇妙的巧合。
7. It was worth forty thousand francs. 价值40000法郎。
8. Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun. 42年以后,隧道实际已经开始建了。
9. Forty percent of the patients died. 百分之四十的病人在医院里死去。
10. Forty-two had died on the crossing, which was about average for slavers making the trans-Atlantic trip in those days. 越过大西洋,死了42人。这个数字不高也不低,那时渡洋运奴的船,走一趟差不多都要死这么多人。