1. A leading lawyer has suggested that cloning would violate the "right to a unique genetic identity".

2. Another disturbing thought is that cloning will lead to efforts to breed individuals with genetic qualities perceived as desirable (math geniuses, soccer players, etc.).

3. And to ensure the populations were "pure", the study was confined to groups that were in their present locations as of 1492, before the first major movements from Europe began — in effect, a genetic photo of the world when Columbus sailed f

4. A genetic trail visible on the maps shows that the breeding ground for this mixed population probably lies in Ethiopia or the Middle East.

5. genetic material taken from blood samples could be used for commercial purposes without adequate payment made to the groups that provide the DNA.

6. Various proteins that serve as markers to reveal a person's genetic makeup.

7. (DNA is a very long, ribbon -like molecule that contains our genetic information.)

8. Or consider an example raised by Judge Richard Posner: a couple in which the husband has some unfortunate genetic defect.

9. Once cells have specialized, on their way to becoming skin or eye or udder cells, most of the genetic instructions to make a full being are turned off.

10. In fact, there is no scientific basis for theories pushing the genetic superiority of any one population over another.