1. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.

2. The king picked one of them, but it turned to gold in his hand.

3. Then he took a piece of bread, and that also changed into gold.

4. Then she left England for Africa, the source of what was called "the black gold."

5. The man stopped suddenly and turned away. How could he laugh about Bill's bones and take his gold?

6. Thus, a broken alarm clock in the movie The Pawnbroker became a "sick" patient undergoing surgery; boots were boiled in his film The Gold Rush and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish (the nails being removed like

7. He was a greedy man and loved gold better than anything else in the world.

8. He began to dress, and his clothes became gold.

9. He took a cup of milk, but it immediately turned to gold.

10. He knew now that gold did not bring happiness.