1. They like climbing, running, diving, swimming, lifting, jumping, and so on. 他们喜欢登山、赛跑、潜水、游泳、举重及跳高等。
2. The men gathered in groups, then scattered, running from one shop to another. 人们一会儿聚在一起,然后散开,从一个车间跑到另一个车间。
3. The streets were filled with the dead and barely living. She kept on running, knowing only that she had to be home. 街上到处都是死人和奄奄一息的人,她不停地跑着,只知道自己必须回家。
4. The big one's gun dug into the back of my head, the thin one's pistol into my left temple. 那个大个子劫匪用枪顶着我的后脑勺,小个子用左轮手枪顶着我左边的太阳穴。
5. Then two of the masked men went to the counter (柜台), jumped over it and got the cashiers and bank clerks to start filling their bags with cash. While the two were getting the money, the one at the door covering us with the gun obviously got a bit of 他们又从柜台里跳出来,其中一个在落地时失去平衡,摔了一跤,另外两个又骂了他几句。然后他们从门口离开了,临走时还警告我们,"不许动。就像这样举着双手在那儿待十分钟。"接着他们就消失了,又是一片寂静。
6. They used to suffer for about 37 hours after surgery on average with a plastic tube as thick as a thumb running through their mouth or nose and down 11 inches of their throat. 过去,手术后病人平均要疼大约37个小时,一根拇指粗细的塑料导管经口腔或鼻腔插入喉咙,深至11英寸。
7. The tube assists breathing, but patients say it feels like a fire running through their throat and hurts more than having their chest cut open. 导管帮助病人呼吸,但病人说感觉它就像一把火烧过喉咙,比开胸还难受。
8. The journalists also get a chance to shoot a gun on the practice range; none of it seems that difficult, and we put most of the bullets somewhere on the target. 记者们也有机会在练习场射击。射击似乎并不难,我们的子弹几乎都打到靶上了。
9. Keeping his body twisted so that his gun still pointed at the fat man and his guest, Max grasped the window frame and heaved his other leg up and over the bottom of the window. 马克斯扭曲着身体,以便把枪仍旧对着胖子和他的客人,同时他抓住窗框,将另一只脚迈过窗口。