1. These children showed a reasonable level of happiness and were very alert during periods of study. 这些孩子显示了相当不错的快乐感,在学习过程中反应也很敏捷。
2. These children did work long hours, but their alertness and happiness during study time was far below that of children in more balanced family environments. 这些孩子确实能长时间努力,但他们在学习过程中的敏捷程度和快乐感大大低于生活在能兼顾激励和支持的家庭环境中的孩子。
3. Happiness cannot be bought with money. 幸福用钱买不到。
4. His radiant face told his happiness. 他容光焕发的面容显露了他的幸福快乐。
5. Happiness takes no account of time. 欢乐不觉日子长。
6. He knew now that gold did not bring happiness. 现在他懂得了,金子并不能带来幸福。
7. Authentic love does not imply enduring happiness. 真正的爱并不意味着永远幸福。
8. She fastened it round her neck, and she stood lost in happiness as she looked at herself in the mirror. 她将项链戴到了脖子上,对着镜子一看,高兴得忘乎所以。
9. Under this scheme, individuals attempt to march towards maximum happiness as they move through a procession of more or less satisfying romantic relationships. 在这样的模式下,个人会去经历一次又一次带来或多或少满足感的浪漫关系,以便追求最大程度的幸福,
10. Is money essential to happiness? 金钱对於幸福是必不可少的吗?