1. The liver is an organ and so is the heart. 肝脏是一种器官, 心脏也是.
2. The heart performs a vital bodily function. 心脏起著维持生命的重要作用.
3. The animal´s temperature drops to just over zero centigrade, and its heart beats very slowly. 动物的体温降到刚好在零摄氏度以上, 心脏跳动非常缓慢.
4. The man took heart and, sure enough, on New Years´ Eve he was able to hobble along to a party. 那人听后振作了精神。果然,除夕时他可以一瘸一拐地去参加晚会了。
5. The operation caught the imagination of the world, and there was a story that a television company offered a million dollars for one single photograph of Washkansky´s old heart. 这一手术轰动了整个世界,据说一家电视公司曾出一百万美元的高价来购买沃什坎斯基原来心脏的一张照片。
6. The main problem facing Christiaan Barnard was how to prevent the body´s rejection of the new heart. 现在,克里斯蒂安·巴纳德所面临的主要问题是,如何防止人体对新心脏的排斥。
7. There were those who believed that the heart was the home of the soul and the thought of a heart being transplanted from one body to another caused them a great deal of pain. 有些人认为,心脏是人的灵魂归宿,一想到一个人的心脏移植到他人身上,就令人痛若不堪。
8. The poor record of survival, plus public reaction against the media´s use of heart transplants for publicity (and perhaps also entertainment), gave rise to a wave of anti-transplant feelings both in and outside the medical profession. 由于手术后病人存活时间短,加之公共舆论反对新闻界利用心脏移植来进行宣传(甚至娱乐),所以,医学界内外掀起了一股反对心脏移植的浪潮。
9. Today the American is one of the few foremost heart-transplant surgeons in the world, having overcome many of the earlier problems, like rejection. 现在,他攻克了许多像异体排斥这类的早期的难题,是世界上少数几个做心脏移植手术的先驱者之一。