1. The hot, tropical weather created a feeling of lassitude.
    炎热的热带气候使人困倦, 昏昏欲睡。

2. This curry is a mite too hot for me!

3. They poured the hot metal into the mould.

4. There is a preponderance of hot days in July and August.

5. Thick clothes are not suitable for hot weather.

6. Like the cooling of a hot kettle or the wearing-out of a pair of shoes.

7. The stars are so fiery hot that they give off great light and heat — more than the hottest, brightest fire you can imagine.

8. Night after night, in the hot summer and early fall of 1940, a deep, steady voice came over the Atlantic Ocean from England to America, telling of England's battle for survival under the waves of German bombers.

9. He stood grilling in the hot sun.

10. And Melissa is very fond of hot chocolate, which is why she bought the powdered hot chocolate mix, though she never drinks it herself.