1. Along with gilts, cash deposits, and perhaps convertibles or the income shares of split capital investment trusts.

2. And I acknowledge that some children are better off without a violent father, a family income wasted on drinking or gambling, or unhappy parents taking out their anger on everyone in the family.

3. Despite a per person income of just $220 a year, all of the 300,000 lines Vietnam plans to add annually will be optical fiber with digital switching, rather than cheaper systems that send electrons over copper wires.

4. American families, which host foreign students, are not paid, though they are allowed a small income tax deduction.
    虽然可以减免一小部分所得税, 接待海外留学生的美国家庭是不向学生收钱的。

5. Yes, I´m so religious that I always donate ten percent of my income to the church.

6. So preserving your capital and generating extra income are your main priorities.

7. Mum or dad, of course, provide a regular supply of pocket money, but uncles and aunts are always a source of extra income.

8. Income disparities have narrowed sharply.

9. In the Philippines, women were found to contribute about a third of households’ cash income, but 55 percent of household support if the economic value of their activities at home, such as growing food or gathering hay to feed the family donkey, is in

10. In the United States, a survey released earlier this month found that nearly half of employed married women contribute half or more of their family’s income.