1. At the same time they became acquainted with one of the canoe pilots on the river, a Guayaqui Indian by the name of Carlos de Pinero.

2. Although our families met through a mutual friend, many Indian families meet through advertisements placed in national newspapers.

3. Vargas and our Indian guide joined me. But Al wasn´t up yet. I went to wake him up.
    瓦格斯和我们的印第安人向导来(和我在一起)了. 但艾尔还没有起床。我走去叫醒他。

4. She has a penchant for Indian food.

5. She also wrote funny columns for Indian magazines.

6. She served strong South Indian coffee in the traditional steel cups instead of china; she would be a balancing influence on my youthful radicalism.

7. Ram's father had supported his wife's career even though he belonged to a generation of Indian men who expected their wives to stay at home.

8. Over the next two decades, IIT graduates — educated at the expense of Indian taxpayers — played a major role in founding California's Silicon Valley.

9. It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz!

10. Indian taxpayers footed the bill in the hope that one day the graduates would help reconstruct the nation.