1. He studied law in his spare time and became a lawyer.
    他在业余时间学习法律, 后来成了一名律师.

2. He has eight lawyer assistants to help him and he examines every single letter in detail.

3. He may want more for his children," said a lawyer.

4. Dexterity in questioning the witnesses helped the lawyer win many cases.

5. A lawyer must act with scrupulous honesty.

6. A leading lawyer has suggested that cloning would violate the "right to a unique genetic identity".

7. "It's because divorce has such great economic consequences, and successive marriages have become so common," said a family law lawyer.

8. A lawyer is required to write the document, for mistakes in language — even a misplaced preposition — can be disastrous.

9. Another lawyer recalled one awkward episode where the two sides were still editing the contract, arguing over what to keep and delete, as 150 wedding guests were arriving for the wedding.

10. A lawyer in a London law firm that often handles divorces for British-American couples noted that in Britain, prenuptial agreements were "just about ignored" by the courts because English law says that circumstances of a marriage aren't sta