1. The malaria parasite of the sparrows, though very similar, was not exactly the same as the one in man.

2. This step was taken in 1898 by Italian biologists, who provided the last missing link in man´s search for the cause of malaria.

3. He is under treatment for malaria.

4. A different line of research was started: since malaria is associated with marshes, why not eliminate the marshes and see if malaria is eliminated as well?

5. As late as 1967 the World Health Organization reported 250 million cases of malaria and l million deaths.

6. So at last man knew that it is the mosquitoes, not their breeding grounds, the swamps, that are involved in the spread of malaria.

7. Preventing one case of AIDS means preventing many future cases, while preventing a case of measles(麻疹) or malaria(疟疾) in Africa would have little effect on its spreading, since those diseases are already common in many countries.

8. Malaria is known to have caused the death of millions and even the fall of an empire, and some say that Rome fell primarily as a result of tremendous malaria deaths.

9. 2. People who slept under fine nets were less susceptible to malaria than those who did not sleep under nets.
    2. 在蚊帐内睡觉的人不像不用蚊帐的人那样容易染上疟疾。

10. Charles Laveran, a French physician stationed in Algeria and later a Nobel laureate, took blood from a patient ill with malaria, and after two years of careful work (1878-1880) found that it contained tiny organisms under his powerful microscope.