1. The meat needs to stew for several hours.

2. The savanna is also the home of meat-eaters — the lion, leopard, and hyena — who feed on the grass-eaters.

3. The expedition carried a little flour and sugar, but mostly they relied on the fish that Pinero caught with his harpoon and the game that was shot with bow and arrow, using the campfire to grill meat or cassava cakes.

4. The best sources of iron, and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body, are meat, chicken, and fish.

5. Two years later, in 1915, this animal was sold for $100 and killed for meat, a hide, and a wall decoration made from its horns.

6. He met up with my great-grandfather on my mother's side, who introduced him to the toodle, and before long, people were coming to his shop for sandwiches more than they were coming for meat.

7. Do you want any meat today?

8. Do you like meat?

9. Do you serve roast meat with buffets?

10. Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird?