1. The brilliant illumination of the moon cheered everyone.

2. They both landed on the surface of the moon at the same time.

3. The moon was obscured by clouds.

4. The satellite was launched into the orbit around the moon.

5. The moon is the Earth´s satellite.

6. They both landed on the surface of the moon at the same time.

7. The Moon is likely to become the industrial hub of the Solar System, supplying the rocket fuels for its ships, easily obtainable from the lunar rocks in the form of liquid oxygen.

8. The comparable speed from the Moon is only 1.5 miles per second.

9. The idea of colonising Mars----a world 160 times more distant than the Moon----will move decisively from the second phase to the third, when a significant number of people are living permanently in space.
    如果有相当数量的人永久性地住在太空,征服火星的计划 -- 一个比月球远160倍的星球 -- 就可以明确地从第2阶段进入第3阶段。

10. The undulating waves of the open sea are generated by three natural causes: wind, earth movements or tremors, and the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.