1. My opinion is different from yours.

2. MISS OGDEN: In my opinion it was quite right.
    奥格登小姐 我认为委员会做得很对。

3. Many, if not most, of its government employees can be said somehow to have "participated in the torture" of persons on account of "political opinion".
    它的许多政府雇员,虽然不是大多数,似乎都可以被假定为曾因 "政治观点的原因"参与了"对人的折磨"。

4. Marriage and having kids were now irrelevant, and in their opinion, that was the most basic social change.

5. "My people enjoy complete freedom of speech and we decide everything according to public opinion."

6. "Golden Trumpets," said the ruler, "are used to express public opinion here.

7. Rich obviously had had a different opinion on how the evening had gone.

8. I´d like to emphasize the aforesaid opinion.

9. I don´t like the decadent opinion in the article.

10. I´d like to emphasize the aforesaid opinion.