1. The psychiatrists declared the killer insane.

2. The fish are not sharks or killer whales, but favourite eating varieties like cod and skate which grow to unnatural sizes, sometimes as much as twelve feet in length.

3. The pain was very sharp.

4. There were those who believed that the heart was the home of the soul and the thought of a heart being transplanted from one body to another caused them a great deal of pain.

5. The medicine he had been given because of the pain from his heart attack made his eyes weak and he only dimly saw the young man in Marine Corps uniform standing outside the oxygen tent.

6. The killer tried the first door; she wasn't there.

7. The patient elected to follow my advice and died peacefully, pain free, a fortnight later.

8. That would ease the pain and help the hospital transfer patients from the intensive (精细的) care area — an area that charges patients or their insurance company $1,600 a day — sooner.

9. The hospitals had cut way back on the large amounts of pain-killing drugs usually given during and after surgery that were used primarily to control blood pressure, not pain.

10. They suffered no additional pain, awoke more aware, and the tube was removed quickly — sometimes six hours after surgery.