1. At 125th Street, Mr. Torres would transfer to the Number 4 train by crossing the platform.

2. Platform Two. Over the bridge.

3. George: Which platform?
    乔治: 在几号站台?

4. One group performed balance exercises on a computer-controlled platform once a week, one group took a weekly tai chi class, and a control group met for a weekly discussion.

5. In the finals, I won the silver medal for the platform. Unfortunately, I wasn't happy. Instead, I felt I failed because I hadn't won the gold.

6. I soon became the international leader in diving. In the 1984 Olympics, I won two gold medals, one for platform, one for spring-board. This was an enjoyable triumph.
    我很快成了国际跳水的顶尖选手。在1984年奥运会上我夺得两枚金牌: 一枚跳台金牌,一枚跳板金牌。这是可喜的胜利。

7. Finally it was my turn to climb the stairs and step out onto the narrow platform.