1. My speech was clumsy and not pleasant to hear.

2. June: It´s a pleasant dream but everything depends on "if"!
    琼: 令人高兴的美梦, 但一切都取决于"假如"!

3. Jim: It´s mild, but it is not always pleasant.
    吉姆:气候温和, 但并不总是令人满意的.

4. Generally, such parents created a pleasant home governed by clear rules.

5. But it´s not always pleasant.

6. Churchill was much too carried away by his own eloquence to pay attention to his pleasant and excellent interpreter, Major Arthur H. Birse.

7. Currently, if this couple wants a genetically related child, they have four not altogether pleasant options.

8. Long car journeys are even less pleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read.

9. It´s mild, but it is not always pleasant.
    气候温和, 但并不总是令人满意的.

10. Which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude.
    它是如此地令人惬意和自在, 如同滑向智力低能一样.