1. A more effective technique is "reframing", which means consciously reinterpreting a situation in a more positive light.

2. Some of the bigger firms are engaged in researches which are of such general and fundamental nature that it is a positive advantage to them not to keep them secret.

3. Positive motivation — the gathering of feelings of enthusiasm, energy and confidence — is vital for achievement.

4. So that I was positive I should recognize it as familiar territory.

5. Of course, names with a positive sense can work for you, even encourage new acquaintances.
    当然, 有积极含义的名字对你是有好处的,甚至能促进你结交新友。

6. In this stage, you start feeling more positive, and you try to develop comprehension of everything you don’t understand.

7. In a positive online environment, students feel valued by the instructor, by their classmates and by their own work.
    6. 三思而后答。

8. It is a positive, silent sign sent with the hope the other person will smile back.

9. In nearly every situation, a warm and firm handshake is a safe and positive way of showing an open and friendly attitude toward the people you meet.

10. I might have endangered other divers' lives if I had spilled blood in the pool. For what I knew — that few others knew — was that I was HIV-positive.