1. There is a radio in the room.

2. The radio programme was recorded.

3. The beam has begun to sag.

4. These factories produce tubes , transistors , radio sets and TV sets.

5. The radio gave a warning of bad weather.

6. This depends on the precise radio- frequency of the 21- cm wavelength, or 1420 megacycles per second .

7. This depends on the precise radio frequency of the 21-cm wavelength, or 1420 megacycles per second.

8. The scanning laser beam was an ideal device for reading these markings, and so the Universal Product Code was born.

9. The radio clicked on. Rock music blasted forth.
    收音机 "嘟"地一声,摇滚乐就 "哗啦"地响开了。

10. Turn that radio down so your mother and I can't hear it.