1. Below are some predictions made by Richard N. Farmer, who gave his light-hearted opinion of the "World of 2084." 下面是理查德 N·法默所作的一些预测,他以轻松愉快的心情为 “2084年的世界” 描绘了一幅充满妙趣的图画。
2. But, being 140 years old made a difference, regardless of what his doctor said. 尽管医生说他还行,可人活到140岁毕竟不一样啰。
3. But the very success of jukus in training youngsters to pass exams has made the competition worse: Jukus help more students pass exams, so the exams have to be made more difficult. 然而,恰恰是课外学校在训练孩子通过考试方面的成功,使得竞争更为激烈:课外学校帮助越来越多的孩子通过考试,考试就需设计得越来越难。
4. But a single optical fiber with a diameter of less than half a millimeter can carry more information than a large cable made of copper wires. 但是单单一根直径小于半毫米的光纤电缆就可以比由铜丝制成的粗电缆负载更多的信息。
5. By announcing this, it joined more than 300 other U.S. companies that had admitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that they had made payments of one kind or another — bribes, extra discounts, etc. — in recent years. 这一事实的披露,使克莱斯勒与其他300多家美国公司一样,向美国证券交易委员会承认自己近年曾有过某种形式的支出,像贿赂、额外打折等等。
6. For it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away. 这个年龄的象差不多已能干重活,可以很快挣回饲养它的开支。
7. For me and a classmate (and maybe for some who read this account), the experience made a common claim come alive. 只是,对于我和我的一位同学(也许还有哪些看到这篇报道的人)而言, 这项活动使一个人皆知之的观点变得真真切切了。
8. We made a contribution to the disaster area. 我们捐助灾区。
9. We made a present of a giant panda to Japan. 我们把一只大熊猫送给日本作为礼物。
10. We have made a law on the preservation of wildlife. 我们制定了野生动物保护法。